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NEW YORK (AP) ? A woman suspected in the death of an immigrant who was pushed off a New York City subway platform has been ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation.
Erika Menendez, 31, was arraigned Saturday night on a charge of murder as a hate crime. She had told police she has hated Muslims since Sept. 11 and thought the victim was one. Judge Gia Morris ordered that Menendez be held without bail and be given a mental health exam.
Menendez is charged in the death of Sunando Sen, who was crushed by a train in Queens on Thursday night. Friends and co-workers said Sen, a 46-year-old Indian immigrant, was Hindu.
"I pushed a Muslim off the train tracks because I hate Hindus and Muslims ever since 2001 when they put down the twin towers I've been beating them up," Menendez told police, according to the district attorney's office.
"The defendant is accused of committing what is every subway commuter's worst nightmare," Queens District Attorney Richard Brown said.
Menendez was incoherent at her arraignment in Queens criminal court, at one point laughing so hard that the judge told her defense lawyer, "You're going to have to have your client stop laughing."
Menendez admitted shoving Sen, who was pushed from behind, authorities said. She was arrested after a tip by a passer-by who saw her on a street and thought she looked like the woman in a surveillance video released by police.
A call to Menendez's attorney was not immediately returned Sunday.
Angel Luis Santiago, who used to work at the Queens building where Menendez's mother and stepfather live, said he was shocked by her arrest.
"It surprised me what she did," he said. "She never acted that way."
Menendez's next court appearance is scheduled for Jan. 14.
Sen was the second man to die after being pushed in front of a New York City subway train this month. Ki-Suck Han was killed in a midtown Manhattan subway station on Dec. 3. A photo of Han clinging to the edge of the platform a split second before he was struck by a train was published on the front page of the New York Post, causing an uproar about whether the photographer, who was catching a train, or anyone else should have tried to help him.
A homeless man was arrested and charged with murder in that case and is awaiting trial. He claimed he acted in self-defense.
It's unclear whether anyone tried, or could have tried, to help Sen on Thursday.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg urged residents Friday to keep Sen's death in perspective as he touted new historic lows in the city's annual homicide and shooting totals.
"It's a very tragic case, but what we want to focus on today is the overall safety in New York," Bloomberg told reporters following a police academy graduation.
But commuters still expressed concern over subway safety and shock about the arrest of Menendez on a hate crime charge.
"For someone to do something like that ... that's not the way we are made," said David Green, who was waiting for a train in Manhattan. "She needs help."
Green said he caught himself leaning over the subway platform's edge and realized maybe he shouldn't do that.
"It does make you more conscious," he said of the deaths.
Such subway deaths are rare, but other high-profile cases include the 1999 fatal shoving of aspiring screenwriter Kendra Webdale by a former psychiatric patient. That case led to a state law allowing for more supervision of mentally ill people living outside institutions.
Transit officials said last week they would consider installing barriers with sliding doors on some subway platforms. Other cities including Paris and London have installed such barriers.
Associated Press writer Karen Matthews contributed to this report.
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BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany will avoid recession in 2013 and achieve growth rates similar to 2012, Dieter Hundt, leader of Germany's employer association, said in an interview with Reuters.
"I'm expecting that we won't experience recession in Germany next year and the economy will once again grow at similar levels as this year," Hundt said.
The German economy has so far managed to fend off the euro zone's troubles, expanding by 4.2 percent in 2010 and 3 percent last year.
The country's gross domestic product in 2012 is expected to grow by about 0.9 percent. In 2013, private economists have forecast GDP to increase by about 0.7 percent, down from mid-2012 predictions of 1.3 percent.
Hundt also said that he was concerned about high wage demands in Germany in 2013 after workers got big increases in 2012 thanks in part to intervention by Chancellor Angela Merkel and members of her cabinet.
Even though unions are calling for big increases again in 2013, Hundt said he was confident wage deals would be moderate.
He said he expected the wage negotiators would continue their flexible policies that differentiated between sectors doing well and others that were struggling.
He was optimistic the unions would factor in the slight economic weakening in Germany this year into their demands.
(Reporting By Gernot Heller; writing by Erik Kirschbaum. Editing by Jane Merriman)
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By Jeff Mason
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Financial markets would be affected adversely if U.S. lawmakers fail to agree on a "fiscal cliff" deal before Tuesday, President Barack Obama said in an interview broadcast on Sunday, while urging Congress to act quickly to extend tax cuts for middle-class Americans.
Lawmakers are seeking a last-minute deal that would set aside $600 billion in tax increases and across-the-board government spending cuts that are set to start within days. If Congress does not make that happen, the first bill brought up in the new year would be to reduce taxes for middle-income families, Obama told NBC's "Meet the Press."
"Now I think that over the next 48 hours, my hope is that people recognize that, regardless of partisan differences, our top priority has to be to make sure that taxes on middle-class families do not go up. That would hurt our economy badly," Obama said in the interview taped on Saturday.
"We can get that done. Democrats and Republicans both say they don't want taxes to go up on middle-class families. That's something we all agree on. If we can get that done, that takes a big bite out of the 'fiscal cliff.' It avoids the worst outcomes," Obama added.
Low income tax rates first put in place under Republican former President George W. Bush are due to expire at the end of the day on Monday - the last day of 2012.
Obama said that failing to reach a deal would have a negative impact on financial markets.
"If people start seeing that on January 1st this problem still hasn't been solved, that we haven't seen the kind of deficit reduction that we could have had had the Republicans been willing to take the deal that I gave them ... then obviously that's going to have an adverse reaction in the markets," he said.
Obama met with congressional leaders at the White House on Friday and declared himself cautiously optimistic about the chances of an agreement, but he noted in the interview that nothing had materialized since then.
"I was modestly optimistic yesterday, but we don't yet see an agreement. And now the pressure's on Congress to produce," he said.
The Senate is scheduled to hold a rare Sunday session beginning at 1 p.m. EST (1800 GMT), but it was not clear whether the chamber would have fiscal-cliff legislation to act upon.
Obama sketched out what he believed to be the most likely scenarios the end the back-and-forth between both sides. Either the congressional leaders would come up with a deal, or Democrats in the Senate would bring a bill to the floor seeking an up-or-down vote to extend tax cuts for middle income earners.
"And if all else fails, if Republicans do in fact decide to block it, so that taxes on middle class families do in fact go up on January 1st, then we'll come back with a new Congress on January 4th and the first bill that will be introduced on the floor will be to cut taxes on middle class families," he said.
Obama chided Republicans for resisting his call for tax rates to go up for the top two percent of U.S. earners despite what he viewed as significant compromises on his part to cut spending and reform expensive social programs for the poor and elderly.
"They say that their biggest priority is making sure that we deal with the deficit in a serious way, but the way they're behaving is that their only priority is making sure that tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans are protected. That seems to be their only overriding, unifying theme," Obama said.
"The offers that I've made to them have been so fair that a lot of Democrats get mad at me. I mean I offered to make some significant changes to our entitlement programs in order to reduce the deficit," he said.
(Reporting by Jeff Mason; Editing by David Brunnstrom)
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Story Published: Dec 29, 2012 at 11:00 PM MST
Story Updated: Dec 29, 2012 at 10:37 PM MST
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MOBILE, Alabama -- As Day Four wound down after the Christmas Night tornado, neighbors and business owners continued cleanup efforts, and several folks even had some good news to report.
Over at the Loop, Sahmi El-Farkh was working on his windows and roof at his hair salon, Amadeus Art of Hair and Beauty, which took a hard hit, as did Cantrell Photography next door. He was hoping for dry weather in the next few days so that he could complete more patches on the roof.
In Midtown, members of the Joe Jefferson Playhouse Board of Directors are hopeful that repairs can be finished in time to open their January show, "Wait Until Dark." The theater, at 11 S. Carlen St., built in 1961, lost its HVAC units in the storm, and its roof was damaged from the terra cotta tiles that were blown from buildings down the street at Murphy High School.
Right now, the theater is seeking generators so that the show will go on, according to Danette Richards, president of the board of directors. If all goes as planned, "Wait Until Dark" will run Jan. 11-27.?
Angie Gulledge with the Murphy High School Band Boosters reported a successful fundraiser on Saturday morning, raising $653 with sales of school T-shirts, car flags and MHS 75th anniversary Christmas ornaments. (The ornaments are sold out, but if you'd like to buy a T-shirt or flag, email her at
The Mighty Marching Panthers will perform a pep rally concert at 6:15 on Jan. 2 at Mobile Civic Center before the start of the Murphy High parent meeting, Gulledge said. The concert was the brainchild of her daughter, Lily Gulledge, 13, whose older brother, Tripp, plays in the band.
The Gulledges live near Murphy and headed over to the campus to see the damage right after the storm struck.?
"It was awful," said Lily, who's in eighth grade at Phillips Preparatory School and plays percussion in the band. "I'm going to be in the Murphy band next year," she said.?
Her original idea was to have the concert in Murphy's practice field, but the campus is now a construction site and closed to visitors.
The pep rally is not supposed to be a fundraiser, Lily said, but of course donations will be welcome. For details, visit the "Rebuild Murphy Pep Rally" Facebook page.
"Everyone should come," she said, promising that the concert will include the tunes dear to Panther hearts -- the Alma Mater and "I'm So Glad," along with "Amazing Grace."
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Pictured are Visiting Angels owners Anthony Acevedo (left) and Mirian
A national home-care chain with over 400 locations across the U.S. and Canada, the Miami branch of Visiting Angels Living Assistance Services has just celebrated its seventh year in business under the ownership and direction of business partners Anthony Acevedo and Mirian Montano. Although Montano?s family worked in the home health care profession and she worked as a senior companion while attending college, both she and Acevedo come primarily from the retail industry.
The unique perspective into home care that their previous jobs gave them delivered benefits almost immediately.
?When we first called our competitors around Miami, we found customer service was not emphasized in this very personal business,? says Acevedo. ?All things being equal, most clients want an organization that they can communicate with and delivers the services promised.?
These refreshing insights, as well as an emphasis on upholding the highest standards of healthcare, have allowed Visiting Angels to continue to provide much needed help for seven years.
Visiting Angels is essentially a Florida licensed nurse registry. They use only experienced caregivers and their filtering process is thorough. Hiring only nurses with two or more years experience in the homecare field,Visiting Angels also uses a private background screening company to sort through the applicants that remain following an initial FBI fingerprinting process. All of these safeguards ensure that when one of their nurses arrives at a client?s door they have gone through a rigorous procedure that ensures both quality and trustworthiness.
?We pay our caregivers a good wage and look for those who have the compassion to care for our clients,? says Acevedo.
Midway through last year, the company signed with Home Care Pulse, a national quality management company that specializes in increasing client and caregiver satisfaction in the homecare field. Six months later, they were awarded the Best of Homecare award for 2012 for registering among the highest in six separate categories of excellence.
?This was an affirmation of six years of consistently focusing on great customer service,? says Acevedo. ?We take the feedback of our clients and caregivers very seriously and use it to create the best services in our area.?
The benefits of choosing in-home care over that received in a nursing home extend beyond merely domestic comforts and increased privacy. Keeping a loved one in their home generally costs less, and it can extend their lives.
?The simple fact is that most people live longer if they are at home,? says Acevedo. ?Studies have shown that if our seniors remain in familiar, safe surroundings, they have a better quality of life and experience extended longevity.?
Regardless of what decision a family makes regarding their eldest members, Acevedo and Montano both believe that the top priority should be placed on the well being of senior citizens.
?We have a societal obligation to care for our elderly,? he says.
Visiting Angels of Miami is located at 9990 SW 77th Ave., Suite 328.
For more information, call 305-728-3153 or go to
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File-This Jan. 15, 2007 file photo shows New Orleans Saints football coach Sean Payton listening to a question at a news conference in New Orleans. The suspended New Orleans Saints head coach has agreed in principle to a multiyear contract extension, according to two people familiar with the deal, said Friday Dec. 28, 2012. (AP Photo/Bill Haber, File)
File-This Jan. 15, 2007 file photo shows New Orleans Saints football coach Sean Payton listening to a question at a news conference in New Orleans. The suspended New Orleans Saints head coach has agreed in principle to a multiyear contract extension, according to two people familiar with the deal, said Friday Dec. 28, 2012. (AP Photo/Bill Haber, File)
NEW ORLEANS (AP) ? The New Orleans Saints and suspended coach Sean Payton will indeed be together again next season as the bounty scandal fades into history and the bid to win a second Super Bowl resumes.
Payton has agreed in principle to a multiyear contract extension, according to two people familiar with the deal.
The people told The Associated Press about the deal Friday night on condition of anonymity because it hasn't been signed and final details regarding the length of the contract and financial compensation are still being worked out.
"Very happy it is official," Brees said in an email to the AP. "Never had any doubts."
Payton was due to begin his seventh season as the Saints' head coach in 2012 before being suspended for the whole season by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell in connection with the NFL's bounty investigation.
Payton signed an extension in 2011 that would have kept him in New Orleans through 2015, but Goodell objected to certain language in that deal, leaving Payton's future uncertain until the deal was reached Friday. The language in question in the previous extension gave Payton the right to opt out early if general manager Mickey Loomis left the club for any reason.
The new agreement, which was first reported by Fox Sports, also must be approved by the NFL.
Payton is the only coach in Saints history to win a Super Bowl, a title earned at the end of the 2009 season. But his legacy was tarnished by the NFL's bounty probe, as Goodell ruled that Payton failed to exert proper institutional control over a cash-for-hits bounty program run by former defensive coordinator Gregg Williams from 2009-2011.
Although the Saints objected to the characterization of what coaches and players have said was nothing more than a performance pool for big plays, Goodell suspended Payton for the entire season. The commissioner also suspended Loomis for half of the season and assistant head coach Joe Vitt for six games.
Payton is 62-34 as in regular-season games as Saints head coach and 5-3 in the postseason. During the three seasons before his suspension, the Saints won 41 regular-season and playoff games combined, more than any other team in the NFL.
Payton has primarily handled the offense in New Orleans, teaming up with Brees to break numerous NFL and club records. The single-season NFL records set by the Saints in 2011 included yards passing by a team (5,505) and a quarterback (5,476). The Saints also set a record for total offensive yards with 7,474.
Although speculation ran rampant that Payton could essentially become a free agent after this season and end up elsewhere, Brees repeatedly said he would be "shocked" if Payton ended up anywhere but New Orleans next season. Brees is under contract with the Saints through the 2016 season, and Payton was the driving force in the Saints' effort to acquire Brees as a free agent in 2006.
Without Payton on the sideline this season, the Saints missed the playoffs for the first time since 2008. Brees remained prolific, but his 18 interceptions also tied for a league high heading into the final weekend of the season.
The Saints headed into Sunday's season finale against Carolina at 7-8, hoping to avoid their first losing season since they went 7-9 in 2007.
Payton is expected to return to the Saints immediately after the Super Bowl on Feb. 3, unless Goodell allows him to return earlier.
When Payton reports back to work, it will offically close the book on the bounty saga that has overshadowed the Saints' organization since the NFL first announced on March 2 that it found the Saints ran a program that paid improper cash bonuses for hits that injured opponents.
In addition to the suspensions of Payton, Loomis and Vitt, the Saints also were dicked second-round draft choices in 2012 and 2013, though Goodell has said he could potentially restores the Saints' 2013 second-round choice and dock the team a later-round pick.
Meanwhile, four current or former Saints were initially given suspensions of varying lengths. Two current Saints defensive captains, linebacker Jon Vilma and defensive end Will Smith, were among those suspended. Vilma was banned for the whole season and Smith for four games, but the players successfully challenged their punishment with the help of the NFL Players Association and never served a game.
Former Commissioner Paul Tagliabue, who was appointed by Goodell to oversee the players' appeals, ruled that the NFL probe was accurate in its findings that the Saints ran and improper program and attempted to cover it up, but that the evidence was not strong enough to warrant unprecedented suspensions for players who had been only fined for similar behavior in the past.
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LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A homeless woman was in critical condition in a Los Angeles hospital after a man doused her with liquid accelerant and set her on fire as she slept on a bus bench, police said on Thursday. Officers arrested Dennis Petillo, 24, in connection with the early morning attack, and he has been booked in jail on suspicion of attempted murder, police said. The woman, whose name has not been released, was being treated at a local hospital with burns all over her body, said Los Angeles police Lieutenant Damian Gutierrez. ...
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Narcissists can be horribly frustrating. Everyone probably knows one ? people who are so wrapped up in themselves, so demanding and demeaning, that they leave no room for anyone else. Sounds like a horrible person.
Yet, there?s something enticing about narcissists that pulls you in. Perhaps it?s his or her self-entitlement or know-it-all, does-no-wrong outlook.?You?ve always been one to subjugate your desires, anyway. So, though you hate to admit it, your narcissist?s confidence and cockiness may be (or used to be) a turn-on for you.? It?s amazing that your favorite narcissist can be both appealing and appalling.
If you?re not ready to toss your narcissist out of your life, you?d better learn how to deal with such a personality.?
Putting into practice the following skills will both strengthen your ego and preserve your sanity.
1. Learn what is and isn?t negotiable.
Some behavior you may not like but it?s no big deal if you let it slide. Let everything slide, however, and you?ll find yourself in an intolerable situation.? She spends recklessly. Why? Because she wants what she wants when she wants it.? She doesn?t want to be confined by your ?stupid? rules. After all, ?you only live once. Why restrict yourself??? In these types of scenarios, you need to know what you?ll tolerate and what you won?t. This doesn?t mean that her spending habits must align with yours.? But it does mean that you speak up and use your leverage to prevent patterns from getting out of hand.
2. Know when you?re being gaslighted.
When your narcissist says something, then later denies saying it or claims to have said something different, you can find yourself doubting your own sanity. Were you listening? Were you dreaming? Is he nuts? Am I nuts? What?s going on here?? Your narcissist may be doing this maliciously to throw you off balance. Or, more likely, he?s simply responding to his need of the moment, forgetting?what he previously said.
3. Don?t tolerate denigrating emotional outbursts.
At times you?ll be upset with each other and need to let off steam. But how one lets off steam is vital. If you?re being spoken to?with disdain and disrespect, stop the action. Make how you are being treated?the issue. Express your disappointment. Ask for an apology. If necessary, walk away, letting it be known that you?ll gladly pick up where you left off when you?re treated with respect.
4. Learn negotiating skills.
Just because your narcissist wants something doesn?t mean she needs to get it.? Just because she expresses herself with force doesn?t mean you have to fold.? Everything is negotiable. You? need to know where your power lies and how to convey it and enforce it.? Learn more about the skills of negotiation. It will help you in many areas of life ? today and in your future.
5. Bolster your own self-esteem.
Don?t be surprised if your self-esteem tanks because your narcissist is bent on satisfying his own needs, not yours.? This doesn?t mean that something?s wrong with you. What it does mean is that you?re not getting enough positive reinforcement. So, say kind things to yourself. Spend more time with others who think highly of you. Get involved with group activities that bolster your ego.
6. Stop keeping secrets.
Don?t isolate yourself. It may be hard to be honest with others about how your narcissist behaves. You may feel embarrassed, especially if you?ve been covering for him for so long. Nevertheless, see if you can confide in a trustworthy friend or family member about what?s been so frustrating for you.? And don?t hesitate to seek out the help of a professional who can assist you in strengthening your coping skills and building up your resolve.
Living with a narcissist is not easy. Accept that you cannot create a major makeover of another?s personality. Nor should you want to.? If it?s that bad, consider splitting. But if you want to stay together, do your best to put these strategies into practice. As you do, it won?t be long before you notice how much better you feel.
Narcissistic man photo available from Shutterstock
Dr. Sapadin is a psychologist, author and success coach who takes joy in helping people reach their potential, enhance their relationships and overcome self-defeating patterns of behavior. To subscribe to her FREE E-newsletter, go to To learn about her newest publication, How to Beat Procrastination in the Digital Age, go to Contact her at DrSapadin@aol.comLike this author?
Catch up on other posts by Linda Sapadin, Ph.D (or subscribe to their feed).
????Last reviewed: By John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on 27 Dec 2012
????Published on All rights reserved.
APA Reference
Sapadin, L. (2012). How to Live with a Narcissist. Psych Central. Retrieved on December 28, 2012, from
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Dec. 27, 2012 ? Tufts University School of Engineering researchers have developed a novel method for fabricating collagen structures that maintains the collagen's natural strength and fiber structure, making it useful for a number of biomedical applications.
Collagen, the most abundant protein in the body, is widely used to build scaffolds for tissue engineering because it is biocompatible and biodegradable. Collagen is, however, hard to work with in its natural form because it is largely insoluble in water, and common processing techniques reduce its strength and disrupt its fibrous structure.
The Tufts engineers' new technique, called bioskiving, creates collagen structures from thin sheets of decellularized tendon stacked with alternating fiber directions that maintain much of collagen's natural strength.
Bioskiving does not dilute collagen's natural properties, says Qiaobing Xu, assistant professor of biomedical engineering, and inventor of the new technique. "Our method leverages collagen's native attributes to take advantage of the well-organized micro/nanostructures that nature already provides," he says.
Xu and Kyle Alberti, a Ph.D. student in Xu's lab, describe their technology in a paper published online in Advanced Healthcare Materials on December 12, 2012.
Slice, Stack, and Roll
In their research, Xu and Albert cut small sections of collagen from bovine tendons. Using a specialized detergent, the researchers decellularized the sections, leaving intact only the extracellular collagen matrix made of bundles of aligned collagen nanofibers.
Xu and Alberti sliced the sections into ultra-thin sheets using a microtome, and then stacked 10 slices, crisscrossing the sheets so that the fibers in one ran perpendicular to those above and below it. This process produced a scaffold material with tensile strength stronger than constructs made using common processing techniques, Xu notes.
The researchers also created tubular scaffolding by rolling layers of collagen sheets around Teflon-coated glass rods. The sheets were layered so that fibers ran along the length and the circumference of the rods. This process yielded tubes that were found to be stronger than similar tubes made of reconstituted collagen. They also maintained their highly aligned fiber structure.
"Alignment gives the scaffold the ability to guide the direction and orientation of cell growth," says Xu, who also has a faculty appointment at Tufts School of Medicine, "This capability is beneficial for tissue engineering applications where biocompatibility and the ability to guide unidirectional nerve growth are both desired, such as prosthetic or tissue engineering-based blood vessels or nerve conduits."
The work was supported by funding from a Tufts Faculty Research Award, the Charlton Award from Tufts School of Medicine, and a Tufts Neuroscience Institute Pilot Grant. It utilized facilities at the Harvard University Center for Nanoscale Systems(CNS), a member of the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN), which is supported by the National Science Foundation under NSF award no. ECS-0335765.
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Still from Nashville Season 1, Episode 2 with Connie Britton and Charles Esten.
NBC, Oct. 17, 10:50 p.m. ET
In the closing minutes of the second episode of Nashville, fortysomething country star Rayna James and her bandleader/ex-boyfriend Deacon Claybourne perform a quiet duet. ?No One Will Ever Love You? is a song they wrote together two decades back, young and in love. Romantic sparks still clearly crackle between them. But these days Rayna's married to another dude and raising two daughters. Meanwhile, Deacon (whose demons drove Rayna off all those years ago) works hard to stay sober?and even harder to keep his feelings for Rayna under wraps.
The song itself is downright mean. "Don't you try to tell me that you're wanted," sings Rayna, "that you're needed. 'Cause it's not true." She sits close to Deacon on the stage of the cozy Bluebird Cafe, staring into his eyes as he strums his guitar. When she reaches the chorus, it seems almost impossibly cruel?until a redeeming twist of a kicker. "I know why you're lonely. It's time you knew it, too. No one will ever love you. No one will ever love you. No one will ever love you ... like I do."
When it's over, an overcome Rayna tells Deacon she wishes they'd never played it. She runs home to assure her husband that she loves him. But she seems not quite able to convince herself.
I confess I swooned a little, watching from my couch. For one thing, this tune is gorgeous. Written by Steve McEwan and John Paul White, it's proof that TV musicals needn't fall back on stale covers and cheesy staging. (I'm reluctantly peeking at you through my fingers, Glee and Smash.) Here we have a boutique-quality original track, performed in a wholly believable context, that manages to advance the emotional arc of the show.
Most of all, though, I love that these are grown-ups dealing with grown-up shizz. Nashville's far from perfect?its politics plot is a dud and the travails of its younger characters are a mixed bag. But every time I get frustrated with it, Rayna and Deacon reappear with one of these soul-aching moments. Worn denim, weathered faces, paths not taken. Connie Britton with that faraway gaze and that wistful smile. Set it all to song and I'm done. I'm ready to book the next flight, buy a front-yoke shirt with snaps, and belly up to the bar at the Bluebird.
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Improving your home can be a great way to enjoy your pest control charlotte living environment. Do your best to learn as much as possible before you begin. This will help make sure you do it right the first time. With the help of this article, you can be sure you get your money?s worth and be satisfied.
Before beginning any home improvement project, take the time to de-clutter and get rid of anything you do not need. You?ll then have all the space you need for moving your furniture around, and your home will be less cluttered in general. Less trash around the home will help you become more organized.
Put up some new trim and art to update your bathroom. Wallpaper trim is a very affordable choice and there are so many options that any home decor design can easily be complemented. Wallpaper trim is very easy to use. With a little artwork that is simple, yet affordable and elegant, you can turn the look of your bathroom upside down.
Give your bathroom a new glaze. This will make your bathroom look new again. A glaze treatment can be done at a much cheaper price than bathroom floor replacement. This is a good way to increase your home?s value without spending very much money.
Before renovating an entire floor of your home to raise its value, be sure go!! that the math actually makes sense. In order for the work to be worthwhile, it must pay for itself within two years. Be sure to stay within that budget, and you?ll be fine.
You can provide better security and improve your home?s exterior by having motion detecting lights installed. These lights consume less energy by switching on only in the presence of movement. Intruders will be mindful of this when coming to your house, because they know that you?ll be aware of them if the lights turn on.
You can have a lot of fun improving your home with projects that include the entire family. The addition of a garden can increase a home?s value while making it beautiful.
Make a note to check your roof; look for damage and decay every spring. Besides obviously-damaged shingles, remove and replace any shingles that have blistered or begun to curl at the edges. Resolving minor issues as they occur will prevent your from having any major issues later.
Adding bold prints to your room can make it appear more personable. You could add animal printed rugs, pillows or paintings.
If you feel you are outgrowing your home, whether because of family size or just overall boredom with the property, consider renovating it instead of moving completely. When you renovate your home, you can customize it to be exactly what you want rather than adapting to the designs of another person. All the tasks that come with new home purchase are often more costly and time consuming than simple home improvement projects that pack a big punch.
Planning your project properly can mean the difference between a headache and vastly increasing the value of your home. Use the ideas from this article as you plan to make your next move; you will be thankful you did!
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Too little of a nutrient will result in ill health.
Too much of a nutrient will result in ill health.
The key to prescribing is to get things just right! ?The Goldilocks Zone.
Its what you expect of teenage boys trying to bulk up with protein powder. ?Its not what you expect of trained health professionals.
Cells are bathed in a nutrient rich fluid. ?We nourish them by supplying a steady intake of nutrients. ?The last thing a cell wants is a tsunami of a nutrient. ?We would never, ever do that to plants in our vege garden would we? ?We would kill the plants if we gave a month's worth of nutrients in a single hit. ?So why do doctors do this to their patients?
Its madness.
When we prescribe exercise we apply stress to the body. ?We give only sufficient stress to stimulate a strong compensatory response to build more robust structures. ?This response takes from two to four days of relative rest to be complete.?
We therefore have the rule of consistently cycling between exercise and recovery: Basically one day of exercise, followed by two days of rest, then one more day of exercise etc.
If we break this rule and exercise hard daily, our risk of illness and injury skyrockets. ?All serious athletes know this. ?Apparently, many physiotherapists have never learned this, or have long forgotten.
With physiotherapy, it is common to have injured people instructed to perform sometimes strenuous exercise on a daily basis. ?This is wrong. ?A set of exercises are best performed every second or third day. ?If one is to exercise in between, then it should be an exercise that stresses the body in a different way. ?So if one lifts weights today, they should go for a walk or swim the following day - not lift more weights.
The only exceptions to this rule are activities like cycling, rowing, walking and swimming. ?Lifting weights, stretching cords and running require at least one rest day between sessions.
The advice in these articles is given freely without promise or obligation. ?Its all about giving you and your family the tools and information to take control of your health and fitness.Source:
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Few things in this world will reaffirm your holiday spirit faster than watching a dozen or so uniformed service people cover a room in Christmas wrapping. Also on that short list, it so happens, is spotting one of the aforementioned troops hand-feed an overzealous and noticeably plump squirrel who's anxiously scratching on the door to get in. It's a strangely Snow White-esque moment that unfolds minutes after we set up our gear in the conference room of the Leadership Development Center -- a drab, unassuming office space in the middle of Colorado Springs' Peterson Air Force Base that serves as a training facility for 11 months out of the year. But now, in early December, there's a transformation occurring, as men and women in various shades of camouflage paper the space with Christmas spirit in record time.
For one month a year, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) converts this area into holiday central for NORAD's Santa Tracker, a half-century-old program that has become a thing of legend -- a curious juxtaposition of warfare preparedness and storybook magic. It's one that, somehow fittingly, is rooted in a mistake -- a phone number misprinted in a 1955 Sears catalog, prompting local children to call Santa's "private number." Those calls from excited boys and girls were routed, the legend goes, to the big red phone in the war room of NORAD's predecessor, the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD), where quick-thinking Col. Harry Shoup asked his troops to play along. Now, 57 years later, it's a massive undertaking, as volunteers in military garb and Santa hats answer calls from children in hundreds of countries.
Continue reading A visit to NORAD's Santa-tracking facility (video)
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Stuart Wilson / Getty Images
Ron Wood and Sally Humphries.
By Natalie Finn, E! Online
Ronnie Wood wants to be Sally Humphreys' man for good.?The 65-year-old Rolling Stones guitarist married his 34-year-old fiance Friday at London's Dorchester Hotel, according to multiple reports.?
Faces mate Rod Stewart served as best man and the VIPs in attendance for the intimate ceremony included Stewart's wife, Penny Lancaster, and Sir Paul McCartney and wife Nancy Shevell. (Perhaps Mick Jagger, Keith Richards and Charlie Watts don't do weddings.)?
Just how many people has Mick Jagger slept with over the years?
This is Wood's third marriage and he has three grown children. He and Humphreys announced their engagement in October after about six months of dating, though they first crossed paths, per the bride, eight or nine years ago when he was having an exhibit of his paintings close to the theater where she was working at the time.?
"There is an age gap," Humphreys told London's Evening Standard earlier this month, at the same time also laughing off rumors that she was pregnant. "I would prefer it if there wasn't but there is. But maybe I'm a bit older and he's a bit younger at heart."
See more celebs who tied the knot on the down-low
Asked if she was concerned about her new husband's wild past, the theater producer shrugged it off.
"You can't be jealous of a past, because I wasn't part of it," Humphreys said. "It's there, so you deal with it, or walk away. His three girlfriends since his split from (his second wife) is not an excessive number."?
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Contact: Klaus Nusslein
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
AMHERST, Mass. An international team of microbiologists led by Klaus Nsslein of the University of Massachusetts Amherst has found that a troubling net loss in diversity among the microbial organisms responsible for a functioning ecosystem is accompanying deforestation in the Amazon rainforest.
Nsslein, an expert in tropical rain forest microbial soil communities, says, "We found that after rainforest conversion to agricultural pastures, bacterial communities were significantly different from those of forest soils. Not only did the pasture soils show increased species numbers, these species were also less related to one another than in rainforest soil. This is important because the combination of lost forest species and the homogenization of pasture communities together signal that this ecosystem is now a lot less capable of dealing with additional outside stress."
He and colleagues studied a large farm site over the past four years at the frontier where farmers drive agriculture into pristine rainforest in Rondonia, Brazil, to convert rainforest to agricultural use. Findings in part validated previous research showing that bacteria in the soil became more diverse after conversion to pasture. However, in its fourth year, their study overcame limitations of earlier investigations to show that changes in microbial diversity occurred over larger geographic scales. Results appear in the current issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
In addition to Nsslein at UMass Amherst, the research group includes first author Jorge Rodrigues at the University of Texas at Arlington with Brendan Bohannan at the University of Oregon, James Tiedje at Michigan State University, and others at the University of Sao Paulo. Lead investigators Nsslein and Rodrigues emphasize that the study is an equal collaboration among the four research groups.
Findings do not support earlier study conclusions, instead they show that the loss of restricted ranges for different bacteria communities results in a biotic homogenization and net loss of diversity overall. Scientists worry that the loss of genetic variation in bacteria across a converted forest could reduce ecosystem resilience. The researchers hope their work will provide valuable data to those making decisions about the future of the Amazon rainforest.
Biologist and first author Jorge Rodrigues of the University of Texas at Arlington adds, "We have known for a long time that conversion of rainforest land in the Amazon for agriculture results in a loss of biodiversity in plants and animals. Now we know that microbial communities which are so important to the ecosystem also suffer significant losses."
As Nsslein and colleagues point out, the Amazon represents half of the world's rainforest and is home to one-third of Earth's species, yet the Amazon has one of the highest rates of deforestation. Agriculture is one of the largest and most dynamic parts of Brazil's economy, so dealing with standing rainforests in the tropics will be tricky, but nevertheless, it is vital that the issue is tackled."
Rodrigues says he and colleagues are currently compiling findings about the potential for recovery of the microbial diversity after pastureland is abandoned and returned to "secondary forest." At the same time, Nsslein and colleagues are leading an effort to investigate how the redundancy of functions provided by soil microbes provides resilience to the effects of agricultural land use change to support a stressed ecosystem to recover stability.
"Whether bacterial diversity will completely recover from ecosystem conversion will depend in part on whether the taxa lost due to conversion are truly locally extinct or whether they are present in the pasture sites but of such low abundance that they are undetectable in our study," the authors write.
This work was supported by grants from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture and the Research Support Foundation of the State of So Paulo.
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
Contact: Klaus Nusslein
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
AMHERST, Mass. An international team of microbiologists led by Klaus Nsslein of the University of Massachusetts Amherst has found that a troubling net loss in diversity among the microbial organisms responsible for a functioning ecosystem is accompanying deforestation in the Amazon rainforest.
Nsslein, an expert in tropical rain forest microbial soil communities, says, "We found that after rainforest conversion to agricultural pastures, bacterial communities were significantly different from those of forest soils. Not only did the pasture soils show increased species numbers, these species were also less related to one another than in rainforest soil. This is important because the combination of lost forest species and the homogenization of pasture communities together signal that this ecosystem is now a lot less capable of dealing with additional outside stress."
He and colleagues studied a large farm site over the past four years at the frontier where farmers drive agriculture into pristine rainforest in Rondonia, Brazil, to convert rainforest to agricultural use. Findings in part validated previous research showing that bacteria in the soil became more diverse after conversion to pasture. However, in its fourth year, their study overcame limitations of earlier investigations to show that changes in microbial diversity occurred over larger geographic scales. Results appear in the current issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
In addition to Nsslein at UMass Amherst, the research group includes first author Jorge Rodrigues at the University of Texas at Arlington with Brendan Bohannan at the University of Oregon, James Tiedje at Michigan State University, and others at the University of Sao Paulo. Lead investigators Nsslein and Rodrigues emphasize that the study is an equal collaboration among the four research groups.
Findings do not support earlier study conclusions, instead they show that the loss of restricted ranges for different bacteria communities results in a biotic homogenization and net loss of diversity overall. Scientists worry that the loss of genetic variation in bacteria across a converted forest could reduce ecosystem resilience. The researchers hope their work will provide valuable data to those making decisions about the future of the Amazon rainforest.
Biologist and first author Jorge Rodrigues of the University of Texas at Arlington adds, "We have known for a long time that conversion of rainforest land in the Amazon for agriculture results in a loss of biodiversity in plants and animals. Now we know that microbial communities which are so important to the ecosystem also suffer significant losses."
As Nsslein and colleagues point out, the Amazon represents half of the world's rainforest and is home to one-third of Earth's species, yet the Amazon has one of the highest rates of deforestation. Agriculture is one of the largest and most dynamic parts of Brazil's economy, so dealing with standing rainforests in the tropics will be tricky, but nevertheless, it is vital that the issue is tackled."
Rodrigues says he and colleagues are currently compiling findings about the potential for recovery of the microbial diversity after pastureland is abandoned and returned to "secondary forest." At the same time, Nsslein and colleagues are leading an effort to investigate how the redundancy of functions provided by soil microbes provides resilience to the effects of agricultural land use change to support a stressed ecosystem to recover stability.
"Whether bacterial diversity will completely recover from ecosystem conversion will depend in part on whether the taxa lost due to conversion are truly locally extinct or whether they are present in the pasture sites but of such low abundance that they are undetectable in our study," the authors write.
This work was supported by grants from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture and the Research Support Foundation of the State of So Paulo.
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
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Sign inPosted: 12:41 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 23, 2012 and Wires
Stormy weather was complicating air travel at San Francisco International Airport Sunday, a duty manager said.
As of 12:30 p.m. Sunday, 25 flights -- nine departures and 16 arrivals -- had been cancelled, SFO duty manager Lily Wang said.
Most other flights were running between 45 and 90 minutes behind schedule, she said.
Regional flights were most heavily impacted by cancellations, Wang said.
With bad weather forecast for the remainder of the day, flight delays at SFO were expected to accumulate and worsen into tonight, Wang said.
Passengers were being advised to check the status of their flights before leaving for SFO that day.
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